Les publications
Seghieri Josiane, Droy Isabelle, Hadgu K., Place F. (2021). Introduction to the special issue "Scaling up of agroforestry innovations : enhancing food, nutrition and income security". In : Seghieri Josiane (ed.), Droy Isabelle (ed.), Hagdu K. (ed.), Place F. (ed.). Scaling up of agroforestry innovations : enhancing food, nutrition and income security. Agroforestry Systems, 95 (7 (No spécial)), 1245-1249.
Seghieri Josiane, Brouwers J., Bidou J. E., Ingram V., Droy Isabelle, Bastide B., Sanogo D. (2021). Research and development challenges in scaling innovation : a case study of the LEAP-Agri RAMSES II project. In : Seghieri Josiane (ed.), Droy Isabelle (ed.), Hagdu K. (ed.), Place F. (ed.). Scaling up of agroforestry innovations : enhancing food, nutrition and income security. Agroforestry Systems, 95 (7 (No spécial)) 1371-1382.
Directions d'ouvrages :s
Seghieri Josiane (ed.), Droy Isabelle (ed.), Hagdu K. (ed.), Place F. (ed.). (2021). Scaling up of agroforestry innovations : enhancing food, nutrition and income security. Agroforestry Systems, 95 (7 (No spécial)), 1245-1394
Seghieri J., Brouwers J., Bidou J-E., Verina I., Droy I., Bastide B., Sanogo D. 2020. Research and development challenges in scaling innovation: a case study of the LEAP-Agri RAMSES II project. On line Agroforestry Systems, DOI 10.1007/s10457-020-00532-3.
Roupsard O., Audeber A., Ndour A.P., Clermont-Dauphin C., Agbohessou Y., Sanou J., Koala J., Faye E. , Sambakhe D., Jourdan C., le Maire G., Tall L., Sanogo D., Seghieri J. , Cournac L., Leroux L. 2020. How far does the tree affect the crop in agroforestry? New spatial analysis methods in a Faidherbia parkland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 296 : 106928. DOI 10.1016/j.agee.2020.106928.
Bidou J.E., Droy I., Houesse R., Mering C. 2019. Dynamiques démographiques, vulnérabilité et évolution du couvert végétal au nord Bénin : des interactions complexes. Espace populations sociétés, Population, peuplement et agriculture en Afrique subsaharienne 2018-3 | 2019. Open Access, doi : 10.4000/eps.8083 (L'article est ici)
Seghieri J.. 2019. Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn. f.): from local constraints to multi-scale improvement of economic, agronomic and environmental performance in an endemic Sudanian multipurpose agroforestry species. Agroforestry Systems. doi: 10.1007/s10457-019-00351-1 (L'article est ici)
Seghieri J., Harmand J-M. (coordination éditoriale) 2019. Agroforesterie et services écosystémiques en zone tropicale. Recherche de compromis entre services d’approvisionnement et autres services écosystémiques. Collection Update Sciences & Technologies, Éditions Quæ.(Le document .pdf est ici) Les chapitres suivants de l'ouvrage concernent des auteurs ou co-auteurs qui sont membres du GDRI AGRAF : Introduction, chapitres 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Félix G.F., Diedhiou I., Le Garff M. , Timmermann C., Clermont-Dauphin C., Cournac L., Groot J.C.J. , Tittonell P. 2018. Use and management of biodiversity by smallholder farmers in semi-arid West Africa. Global Food Security 18 : 76–85. doi: 10.1016/j.gfs.2018.08.005
Félix G.F., Groot J.C.J., Hien E., Clermont‐Dauphin C., Penche A., Barthès B.G., R.J. Manlay, Tittonell P., Cournac L. 2018. Ramial wood amendments (Piliostigma reticulatum) mitigate degradation of tropical soils but do not replenish nutrient exports. Land Degrad Dev. 29: 2694–2706. doi: 10.1002/ldr.3033
Félix G.F., Scholberg J.M.S., Clermont-Dauphin C., Cournac L., Tittonell P. 2018. Enhancing agroecosystem productivity with woody perennials in semi-arid West Africa. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 38: 57 doi:10.1007/s13593-018-0533-3
Awessou K.G.B., Peugeot C., Rocheteau A., Seguis L., Do F.C., Galle S., Bellanger M., Agbossou E.K., Seghieri J. 2017 Differences in transpiration between a forest and an agroforestry tree species in the Sudanian belt. Agroforest Syst 91:403-413.
Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (2017). Désertification et système terre. De la (re)connaissance à l’action. Revue Liaison Energie-Francophonie, Numéro 105, 2ème trimestre 2017. À lire en ligne
Voir l'éditorial de M. Loireau en page 10, le chapitre "Dégradation des terres et pauvreté. Des liens complexes"(page 70), par I. Droy et le chapitre "Système agroforestiers soudano-sahéliens. Traditions ou innovation ?" (page 92) par J. Seghieri
Sanogo D., Ndour B.Y., Sall M., Toure K., Diop M., Camara B.A., N’Diaye O., Thiam D. 2017 (Open Access) Participatory diagnosis and development of climate change adaptive capacity in the groundnut basin of Senegal: building a climate-smart village model. Agric Food Secur 6:13. doi: 10.1186/s40066-017-0091-y
Sarr M.S., Seiler J.R., Sullivan J. 2017. Growth and physiology of Senegalia senegal (L.) Britton seedlings as influenced by seed origin and salinity and fertility treatments. Forests 8: 388; doi:10.3390/f8100388
Dao M.C.E., Kone M., Somda J. 2016. Fabrication d’aliment du bétail issue de la cueillette de gousses de Piliostigma reticulatum : une opportunité pour les femmes rurales burkinabé. Cah. Agric. 25: 35002. doi: 10.1051/cagri/2016021
Tagesson T., Fensholt R., Cappelaere B., Mougin E., Horion S., Kergoat L., Nieto H., Mbow C., Ehammer A., Demarty J., Ardö J. 2016 Spatiotemporal variability in carbon exchange fluxes across the Sahel. Agr For Meteorol 226-227:108–118. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.05.013
2015 et avant
Issoufou H.B.A., Rambal S., Le Dantec V., Oï M., Saâdou M., Seghieri J. 2015. Is the WBE model relevant for semi-arid shrubs submitted to clear cutting? Tree Physiology 35: 197-208,
Coulibaly Y.N., Mulia R., Sanou J., Zombré G., Bayala J., Kalinganire A., Van Noordwijk M. (2014) Crop production under different rainfall and management conditions in agroforestry parkland systems in Burkina Faso: observations and simulation with WaNuLCAS model. Agrofor Syst 88:13–28. doi: 10.1007/s10457-013-9651-8
Dao M.C.E. , Diallo B. O. , Kaboré-Zoungrana C. 2014. Flowering phenology and floral visitors of Piliostigma reticulatum in a tropical dry forest, Burkina Faso. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 8(1): 237-248. Available online at
Droy I., Pascual C., Bidou JE (2014) Chap. 3. Inégalités de genre et vulnérabilité alimentaire au Bénin. In: Guétat-Bernard H. & Saussey M. (eds.) Genre et savoirs, IRD édition, collection À travers champs, pp 85–115.
Velluet C., Demarty J., Cappeleare B., Braud H., Issoufou B., Boulain N., Ramier D., Mainassara I., Charvet G., Boucher M., Chazarin J-P., Oï M., Yahou H., Maidaji B., Arpin-Pont F., Benarrosh N., Mahamane A., Nazoumou Y., Favreau G., Seghieri J. 2014. Building a field- and model-based climatology of surface energy and water cycles for dominant land cover types in the cultivated Sahel – Annual budgets and seasonality. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18: 5001-5024,
Issoufou H.B.A., Delzon S., Laurent J.P., Saâdou M., Mahamane A., Cappelaere B., Demarty J., Oï M., Rambal S., Seghieri J. 2013. Change in water loss regulation after canopy clearcut of a dominant shrub in Sahelian agrosystems, Guiera senegalensis J. F. Gmel Trees, structure and function 27:1011–1022.
Kaboré S.A., Bastide B., Traoré S., Boussim J.A. (2012) Dynamique du karité, Vitellaria paradoxa, dans les systèmes agraires du Burkina Faso. Bois For Trop 313:47–59